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Friday, October 25, 2013

Insider Secrets to Weight Loss

Do you know that a third of the US and world population are overweight? I was one of them and probably you are too and that's why you search for some insider secrets to weight loss. I will reveal the best secrets right here in a few moments.

Why should you read my insider secrets to weight loss and also follow my advice? I will not bore you by showing off with my experience or my successful cases so the answer is simple: because I am dietitian and because I know how are you feeling.

First you must understand that there is no way to lose 15-20 pounds in 2 hours without facing serious consequences. Even if you go to a doctor and take a surgery and lose 10-15 pounds, there will be risks involved, risks that put your life in danger and that is why I don't recommend surgeries.

An important secret is that you mustn't be fooled by the commercials on your TV. You know what I am talking about, those products that show people that lost even 50 pounds in one week. As I said before there aren't such products and what you see on TV are products made for making money for the companies. Big companies spent loads of cash to promote bad products which aren't made by experienced doctors.

Another myth is that all the expensive weight loss products or diets are very good and the cheapest ones are scams. This isn't a rule and I know it because I have some people that test most of the products before I recommend them to my patients.

For More Related Topics Blog: Home Weight Loss Workout

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