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Saturday, October 19, 2013

Here Are Some Walking and Running Tricks For Weight Loss

If you are looking for some walking and running tricks for weight loss, today I'll show you how to quickly lose weight and look better. These are simple and easy techniques that work if you work them. If you are currently employing walking or running in your exercise routine, these tips will help you get the most out of them.

You'll soon be looking and feeling because of what you learned.

Simple Walking and Running Tricks

Walk and Run in Intervals

All you need to do is run hard for a short period of time and then walk. This greatly benefits your health and works wonders for weight loss. Choose the amount of time that you want to run hard and then rest. But when you run hard, make sure you run really hard - even if it's for only 15 seconds.

And fifteen seconds may turn out to be harder than you think. And don't cheat yourself by jogging. Run hard! Then when you walk, walk until you feel you are able to run as hard as you can again. For many people, 45 seconds should be long enough to go at it hard again.

Set of goal for doing this for a total of 20 minutes per day, 4 days per week.

If you like, you can mix it up by doing both running and climbing stairs. So, you can run up a couple of flights of stairs, and then walk back down. Repeat this for at least 10 minutes.

If you commit to doing this, you'll experience some truly awesome results.

Incline Walking

If you're going to walk, make sure you do it on an incline. And the best way to get a consistent incline is on a treadmill. Do this for 20 minutes at least 5 days per week.

If you put these walking and running tricks for weight loss into practice, you'll lose weight much quicker and improve your overall health, to boot.

For More Related Topics Blog: Quick Weight Loss Plan

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