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Monday, October 14, 2013

Effective Weight Loss - Lose Inches in the Comfort of Your Own Home

Do you need to Slim down and shape up? Amazing weight loss.


For effective weight loss eat fewer calories such as bread and dairy you should eat the right size portion. No puddings or sweets, just healthy food.

If you place your two hands side by side so your little fingers are touching. This is the size of each portion you should eat three times a day. Breakfast Lunch and dinner. In between meals eat fruit such as grapes, apples most fruits really just remember not to over eat.

Eat fewer potatoes less pasta and rice as these can increase your waistline. As I have said use the two hand portion rule you can eat most things but please use your common sense.


Is a sensual to losing weight? You do not have to join a gym you can start doing simple exercise at home such as skipping is very effective, dancing to music you like or you could go for a brisk walk.

Make sure you get your heart rate up so you are slightly short of breath for at least twenty minutes per day. Only exercise three times per week.

Drinking habits

Drinking water and cutting out alcohol such as beer and wine. You should drink 8 glasses of water a day. Drink water through out the day your body will find it much easier to lose weight.

For More Related Topics Blog: Top Ways To Lose Weight

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